I recently came across a show called “I Brake For Yard Sales”. The host was Lara Spencer – yes, that Lara from The Insider. On the show, she was tasked to redecorate her best friend’s home using vintage pieces she found while scouring auctions, yard sales, flea markets and estate sales. Not only was Lara a pro at re-purposing old and sometimes super ugly furniture, but she also had a keen eye for mixing colors, patterns and materials.
While she was looking at yellow fabrics to recover two armchairs, she made the following comment “Yellow can be tricky, it can get a little muddy and a little mustardy. Then is looks a little fuddy-duddy and old fashioned. Yellow has to be poppy, fun and with a little chartreuse mixed in, it looks modern”.
I actually stopped the program so I could make note of what she said. Over the last few months I have had a difficult time finding the right yellow fabrics for nursery. Our nursery is yellow, grey and white and I have been wanting to sew pillows, curtains and storage bins for the room. However, most of the yellows didn’t match our current color scheme, looked off and I couldn’t put my finger on it.
I found the following fabrics at Fabric.com and put together swatches for potential pillows to sew. Aren’t the prints super cute and perfect for a nursery?
While combinations look great, the yellow in each group is a little little “mature” for a nursery.. I will probably the solid yellow and mix and match prints instead. I think Lara was right on the mark with her comment. What do you think?
Marni, I just have to say I really love your style. All of the colors and fabrics you chose are so pleasing to my eye…and they really have a modern edge to them. I could definitely learn from you and your sewing skills. I got a machine back in September that I’m still learning the ropes on. I’m actually trying to muster up the courage to work on my first market bag (from a pattern) this next week…I’ve had it collecting dust since the fall! Eeep!
Thanks again for entering my giveaway and for your sweet comments. So fun to meet other bloggers and to find inspiration at their abodes. (That was certainly the case here during my visit.)
Have a happy weekend.
HI – Thank you so much! I hope you have a great Silhouette contest!