Thank-you Mollie Makes!
I bought Issue 23 when I was in Atlanta last February. Until then, I had never heard of Mollie Makes.. I was so excited to have discovered the magazine. Not only was it loaded with sewing ideas, articles on bloggers and sewing shops, it came with a free gift – a sewing kit for a travelcard wallet!
I held on to the kit for awhile.. I wanted to wait until the “perfect” time to sew the wallet. Last week I was looking for something to sew and knew the timing was right.
For more information on this project – check out Mollie Makes. You can download the template for the wallet. The website also has projects and downloads.. Awesome stuff!
I travel alot for my job and carry around small images of my toddler in my wallet. While I making the wallet, I realized that it would make an ideal travel frame for my pictures! I love it even more! I was in Salt Lake City last week and placed the frame on the desk and nightstand in my hotel room.
Cute right? Thank you Mollie Makes! You have a new fan.
Happy Sewing.
Love Mollie Makes! I had a digital subscription until recently; I went back to buying single copies because I like the hard copy! Cool photo wallet!
Adorable! I will look for this magazine.
Hi – I bought the free pack from a charity shop recently not knowing that the pattern wasn’t in it! I’ve searched the mollimakes website and can’t for the life of me find a p[attern! HELP!!!
Hi – I just looked online and realize they don’t have the wallet template. If you have the magazine, page 96 shows images, steps and measurements. You can also email I bet they will be able to send it to you. Thanks for stopping by and good luck! Let me know how it goes