It’s the perfect time of year to add to your stash…Wondering what are the essentials for block printing? Do you want to add to your crafting closet? Well, now is the time – you can either add the supplies to your “holiday wish list” or grab a bunch of items during the online shopping and cyber deals that are happening.

I LOVE this time of year for block printing. One of the reasons is Julie from Balzer Designs hosts her annual and highly anticipated #CarveDecember. It is a daily stamp carving event that runs for the month of December. All are welcome. It is a great way to meet new people and see what others are carving all around the world! View her daily design prompt list here.

It’s simple and easy to get started… Julie’s steps to join the fun:
- Carve a stamp
- Print it ( either on paper or fabric )
- Take a picture and post the image in instagram
- Use the hashtag #CarveDecember ( Not necessary, but I also use #CarveDecember2022 )
I promise to share images and post reels for the month for December. If you haven’t done anything crafty in awhile or you are feeling burnt out or you are in a creative funk… This is a GREAT way to get your creative juices flowing. Joining the challenge is also a great way to hone your skills and see significant improvements in just one month. Why..? You are engaged and working on a skill set every day for 30 days!
Need help with your shopping list? I have rounded up my top block printing supplies here. While you are at it, you can also check out my lists for other categories such as crafting, sewing and storage fun. Disclaimer – I earn commissions from this list.
To get started today, here are your top block printing supplies.
- Carving Tool With Blades
- Speedy Carve
- Brayer ( Roller – 2″, 3″ or 4″ work great )
- Block Printing Inks or Stamp Pads
- Metal Ruler
- Cutting Mat
- Pencil, Paper and Sharpie
I hope you consider joining the fun. Here are some of the stamps I carved last year..

Followed by a few of the prints and patterns I created on paper and also on fabric. For the daily challenge you can do both!

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