I don’t normally share crafting ideas on my blog, but this crafting idea was too good to pass up.

I have a pile of block prints in my desk drawer. Every time I make more, I open the drawer and add to the pile of paper. I have often thought to myself, what can I do with these?

Over the years, I have spent a lot of time and energy making these prints. So I have a hard time throwing them away.
Does this happen to you?
I recently saw a post on Plaid Crafts and they were using their Mod Podge brand to make wooden signs. Mod Pode is a decoupage, glue and sealer in one. I thought to myself how great those signs looked, so why not try to use Mod Podge with my block prints and create something wooden as well?
I found light weight wood coasters in the Dollar Spot at Target and knew I had the perfect pieces of wood for my Mod Podge block printed coasters.

Turns out, the project was fun and actually super easy.

Here are the materials needed:
- Lightweight wood coasters – check Amazon, Target and craft stores for light wood items
- Mod Podge Gloss or Matte
- Mod Podge Hard Coat
- Craft paint brush or sponge applicator
- Cup – for the water and to clean the brush
- Paper – printed with your block prints
- Paper scissors
- Craft Paint – white / optional
- Pencil
- Kraft paper – to protect your work surface
Here is the fun part. Let’s walk thru the steps on how to make coasters with your block prints on top.
Step 1 – First, I sanded the wood and then painted over the design that was on the surface of the coasters. Let the paint dry for at least 48 hours.
Then, I placed my block printed paper and wood item onto my work surface. I traced around the wood item and repeated for each item.
Step 2 – Next, I cut out the design. I put the paper back onto the wood surface and trimmed any excess that was hanging off the edges.
Step 3 – Lastly, I applied the Mod Podge. Make sure to follow the directions on bottle. Here is a condensed version of the steps. One thing to note, do not shake your bottle. Instead you can roll the Mod Podge bottle to gently to mix the contents.
Bottle Directions:
- Apply Mod Podge to the back of the paper and also onto the wood surface. Wiggle around to get into placement.
- Gently smooth out air bubbles. Start from the center and move outwards. I have a Mod Podge squeegee that works great for this. DO NOT push too hard or you can rip your paper and designs.
- Let dry for 24 hours.
- Once the item is dry, apply a top coat of the Mod Podge onto the paper surface.
- Follow directions for applying additional top coats.

That’s it! Isn’t this an awesome and unique way to showcase your designs? They would even make a great gift.
Do you think you would make these? I would love to hear from you.

So I have Good news! You can now register for my new online course called ” Block Printing Made easy”.
Do you want to learn how to block print? Are you a beginner block printer and need inspiration or tips and tricks on how to find designs? Have you tried to block print and found it very frustrating?
Well, my online class is made for you. This is introductory level class called and it starts Monday May 30th, 2022. The course is online and will run for 3 weeks, with online video content being shared every Monday. You can take the course at your own pace. PLUS – Every Saturday for the 3 weeks of the course, I will host a live, one hour long Zoom Q&A workshop.
Click HERE for additional information on each module
I hope you join and can’t wait to meet this new community of block printers 🙂

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