I’ve been scouring the newsstands looking for issue #25.. A few months ago Love Patchwork & Quilting reached out and asked if they could include my mini fabric planter bins in an upcoming issue. Hello.. A big, big, BIG yes! I love their magazine and buy it every month so I can drool at all the amazing projects.
Just a teeny feature, but I’m oh-so grateful! It’s in the “Love Life” section at the front of the magazine and is called “Potty For Pots. I’m very appreciative to see my project in such a cool magazine. Did I tell you how much I love this magazine? The projects are modern, the colors are always super fresh and the designers are uber-talented! If you haven’t picked up this magazine, I strongly suggest you do.
The magazine has little inserts and gifts in almost each issue. This issue has free HST templates. I used templates similar to these on a quilt last month and they work awesome.
I also love their “Block of the Month” series by Lynne Goldsworthy. She blogs over at Lily’s Quilts and usually has a project in the magazine as well. She is part of that uber-talented group I spoke about.. I’m fairly new to the quilting world [well about 6 years in, but I still feel like a rookie]. I’ve given a few of her blocks a try and have learned a bunch! If you are new to quilting and paper piecing give the blocks a try.. You’ll learn something new and feel much more confident with each issue.
Well, that’s it for today. I’m working on a few pouches and hope to have them up in the next few weeks.. Check back soon for some fun.
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