My husband bought me a new camera lens for our anniversary. I was very excited when I opened the box. First, I got the lens I have been dreaming about. And second, turns out he was listening to me!! Here I thought it was just blah, blog, blah, DIY, sew, sew, crap all over the place, blah, blah all the time.
On Tuesday, I wrote a DIY post on a mini book tote and journal cover. Click here if you would like to see the post. I took a few extra shots using the new lens. I think I am in love…
So, what do you think? Know of any online photography classes? I’d love to take one. When you get a chance, let me know of any classes or teachers to look into..
Also, I will have some new DIY posts up next week. Great things are brewing over here at HaberdasheryFun. Until then, happy sewing
Karin @ Leigh Laurel Studios says
I think there are some classes on Craftsy for photography that are supposed to be good! It’s amazing when husbands are actually listening when your’e convinced they’re not! Restores all faith. 🙂 Congrats on your new lens! I cracked the UV filter on mine and removing it has been terrific! #happyaccident
Haberdashery Fun says
Lol. So true. So true.