Help Dad fight evil with this superhero wipes case!
Sunday is the big day – you still have time to make Dad a present for Father’s Day. Ok, I’m not sure if this is a gift for you or him. But it is a gift that keeps on giving. And I thought what the heck, maybe it will help inspire diaper duty!
All you need is a T-shirt, empty wipes case, a glue gun and spray adhesive. In a few short hours you have this fun and unique gift.
This is a great project to re-purpose an old T Shirt – find a vintage, loved and worn, never used, cool and trendy, or Dad’s favorite sports team.. There are so many options. However, my husband wanted me to add a disclaimer.. before you go raiding his closet for an old T Shirt, ASK before you cut and glue. He was very worried for his fellow men and their beloved “college days” T Shirts hidden away in their closets.
This wipes case is a repeat blog post. You can see my original post here. It was perfect timing for a repeat – I saw this cute T Shirt and was inspired to create a superhero case for Dad!
Materials Needed:
- T Shirt
- Trim – 3/8″
- Small piece of ribbon, bias tape – approx 2″ long
- Craft foam – “Creatology Fun Foam”
- Empty wipes case
- Sharpie / pen for tracing, paper to trace pattern
- Glue gun
- Spray adhesive
- scissors [ not your sewing scissors!]
8 Easy Steps:
- Cut T Shirt down to the size of the wipes case. Leave about 2 ” of EXTRA fabric at all sides. Cut 2 pieces
- Prepare your foam. Trace around the top of your wipes case to get the size. Cut 2 pieces with scissors
- Spray adhesive to the foam and also case. Gently lay the foam into place and press to set in place. The foam helps cover the bumps on case and leave a smooth/soft surface
- Start on the bottom side, in case you make a mistake… Spray adhesive onto the case and gently lay the fabric down. In using the jersey material [ T Shirt] don’t pull or twist the material. Just lay and gently work out the bubbles. Work fast as the T Shirt will set quite fast
- Repeat on the top side with your logo. You now have the confidence to do the important side! Trim down all the edges
- Use the glue gun and glue a tab at the center back. This will be to cover the raw trim ends
- Start again at the center back tab, squirt squirt glue in 3″ increments and lay the trim on top. Press down to set. Repeat with glue and trim the entire way around the case. Repaeat for the top edge.
- Wrap the center back tab around the trim and glue/set in place
Hey Non sewers, Moms, Moms to be, Sisters, Wives.. You still have a few days, so grab a T Shirt and get going.
I will take 2!!!!!!!
also need a Kal-El one, and how about ” the Flash” ?
Super Fun! I like this non sewing project and my sister in law is pregnant! I will am,ke one for sure. I like your tutorials, they look super easy to read and follow/
Isn’t it great? And very easy for someone who doesn’y know how to sew! It makes a great gift.
OMG love these!!!