Do you have a baby or toddler in your house? Do you have grabby little hands that love to pull down your family photos and look them? This soft little photo book came to mind when my toddler continuously grabbed the frames off our bookshelves and handed them them over pointing out “Da”.. “Da”..”Da”! He just loves to point out Grandma AND Dad.. I thought to myself, why not make a photobook that is safe for him to hold?!
I love the images above, especially the one of Tanner looking at the little book. Head on over to Momtastic for the step by step tutorial. This DIY photo book is perfect for all little hands.. Soft to touch and with baby at the center of attention!
OMG.. so cute. Great idea!
HI – thanks for stopping by. This was so much fun to create. I hope you make one for the little one in your life!
Fabric photo book! That is such a cute idea 😀
Thanks! I just checked out your blog! Super cute stuff, Love the orange and black felt cat!
Oh, I love that!! You seem to be like me….my thought process always goes to fabric!
I couldn’t agree with you more! Thanks for the stopping by. Love your blog by the way.
Popping over to your guest post! I’ve been wanting to do some sort of photo album for my LO, but all the cloth albums I’ve seen at the store you slip photos in…easy for little hands to take out! This is perfect! Exactly what I’m looking for!
So true. Little hands love to crumple paper, so any photo we had laying around was toast.. Plus, he loves to pull all our frames down. Problem solved! Now he loves to find Grandma and Dad in the book