When it comes to the end of a handbag or sewing project, do you hate making the straps? For some reason I hate it. It makes me crazy – attaching the safety pin and pulling the strap through itself.. only to have the safety pin come undone. And then you have to repeat the steps all over again..
I just learned a SUPER easy technique that makes sewing straps fun again, if it was ever really fun. I used this method while sewing my last post on the cotton canvas storage bins and the straps were a breeze.
Sewing straps as easy as 1-2-3..
1. Cut your fabric into the desired size. Leave more than enough for the length. I like to play around with my straps and you can cut the straps down to size at the end
2. Fold in half and press
3. Turn a 1/4″ edge towards the center seam and fold. Do this for each side
4. Press each edge
5. Fold again along the first fold. Press closed.. You are almost finished with your straps!
6. Place into your sewing machine and edgestitch along each side.. that’s it – strap complete!
Happy Sewing!
I’m going to make the cotton canvas storage bin.. so thanks for this tutorial. Super easy