I can’t believe it is July. Happy Canada Day! I am a Canadian living in the US.. So I get to celebrate twice in the first week of July.
June was a busy month. I’m super happy to say that readership is up and I have had a few companies reach out to collaborate.. Woo-hoo. Thank you.
My 3 favorite projects for the month:
Easy Toddler Apron – I’m not much of a cook, so I never expected to sew a toddler’s apron. Or anything for the kitchen, really.. This turned out to be a delightful project. I loved picked the fabric and coming up with the tutorial. The best part was staging the photos.. I think they turned out great.
Riley Blake Quilted Cotton Mini Back Pack – I was fortunate to be on the Quilted Cotton Blog Tour for Riley Blake Designs.. I spent way to long dreaming about my mini back pack and luckily all that humming and hawing worked out. I have another yard of this glorious fabric so stay tuned for more tutorials! If you haven’t seen the fabric yet, head on over to Riley Blake Designs.
Fabric Storage Bin with Handles – We all need extra storage, right? Well, I love making bins, so expect to see more of this handy guy. I still have a few tricks up my sleeve.
Well – that’s it. Have a great holiday week and happy sewing..
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