Are you making a quilt or a project that needs binding.. Have you cut your binding pieces, but need a few tips and tricks on how to sew the binding together..? Read on my friend…
Materials needed:
- Fabric strips
- Disappearing ink pen
- Sewing supplies and sewing machine
- Rotary cutter and mat
- Iron and ironing board
This is super duper easy.. Now you can finish those pesky strips in just 8 steps:
- Your pieces should be long and straight. You need to make sure the ends are even so you can sew them together. Lay ruler on the fabric. The grid should line up with the bottom of your binding. Cut off the end with your rotary cutter. Repeat for each end
- Lay 2 pieces right sides facing and at a 90 degree angle. They are perpendicular to each other. See image for reference. Lay the ruler at a 45 degree angle and mark a stitching line with your disappearing ink pen
- Pin in place. Place into your sewing maching and stitch. Backstitch at each end
- Press the seams. Press closed and and then open and press again
- Open the 2 pieces to see if they make a continuous strip.. Right sides should be facing all the same way. Repeat steps above to join all your pieces together
- Now you need to trim off the seam allowance. Not totally necessary, but this helps eliminate bulk in your project/binding.. Lay the binding so that right sides are facing and perpendicular to each other
- Move ruler to 1/4″ grid line and cut. You should have trimmed to a 1/4″ seam allowance. Repeat for the entire fabric strip. Press seam allowances open
- Voila, that’s it!
P.s.. Need additional help? Wondering how to cut straight binding or use a rotary cutter..? I have created a few tutorials and you can see them here and here
Thanks for stopping by. Have a great weekend and happy sewing!
This is such an easy way to do this. MUCH easier than what I’ve been doing. 🙂
MARNI! I cannot believe that I have never done this with binding. My blankets always look rather amateur but this has totally stepped my game up. And to think of all the blankets I have given away as gifts and how terrible the binding looks in comparison to doing it properly!!! Thanks for being such a star with all these tutorials!!!